Friday, November 7, 2008

It's Friday again

Ed e' di nuovo venerdi. Per fortuna che ho superato la settimana incolume ed e' ormai quasi finita. Da dimenticare. Comunque ecco le ultime chicche dal Giappone:

Fashion victims...
[Obama is the new president of the United States, this counts everywhere]1 million: Number of people, including former US Secretary of State Colin Powell and Sen. Hillary Clinton, who have bought the rimless glasses popularized by Alaska Gov Sarah Palin. The eyewear is produced by the Fukui-based Masunaga Optical)

Japanese sense of guilt
Three Kyoto Sangyo University students who were suspended for 14 days for defacing the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral in Florence with graffiti, donated about ¥150,000 to the World Heritage site to help clean up their mess.

Japanese wonders
A green potted plant at Bowls Cafe in Kamakura has been keeping a daily online blog ( Midori-san, as the plant is known, writes regular updates using sensors attached to its leaves by a member of the Keio University engineering department. Entries include riveting stuff like “Today it was sunny and I was able to sunbathe a lot.”

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